C5 Corvette Seat Upgrade

I have a feeling this will not be my first seat change in this car. Over the years, I have found that being a lover of all thing GM means you need to upgrade seats. GM has done a very nice job recently, but anything pre-2010 could potentially have issues for you.
The C5 is a well known performance bargain, meaning you get what you pay for on track and behind the wheel. You are not paying for the seats…

My C5 Hardtop is no exception, having the standard seat, non-sport & non-Z06. I have been looking for a C6 or even C7 seat to drop in, as they bolt right up for the most part. For a car I drive just a little here and there and only in the summer, it’s tough to justify thousands in a seat. Either way, I found a Corbeau Evolution X on the marketplace this winter and couldn’t pass up the deal. Being just one of them, I am ok with that. Having the correct C5 mounting bracket, I was even more ok with it.
The Evolution X was specifically designed for the Corvette’s small floor pan. This being fixed back and overall solid, I thought for sure it would be a little rough for daily use.

The verdict is in! After installing and using this around town it is night and day. My longest drive of around 40 minutes did not offer me any soreness, but I could see it being rough on a long trip. I also was curious how much weight savings I would have. No motors, less junk; the weight savings are going to be huge. Check out my video below to see the final weigh in… Enjoy!