NutSac Bags Magnetic Satchel
NutSac Bags is a great company, no questions asked. When I reached about to them to discuss a product review, they were super nice and also very honest. Such a small company deserves a look by anybody because they are doing what you and I really can't - grabbing onto what they believe in and then making something out of it. Most small companies need our support and this is one worth spending your money on.
They started off as a disc golf bag company and have now moved into the men's personal line of bags. The bag I have to show you is their Mag-Satch, which is basically a medium sized satchel with magnetic closure. The flap has a nice soft hold, nothing snappy about the magnet. Once you flip the flap open, you will find a secure zipper to hold all your gear.
This mid-sized bag is perfect for a number of items to make traveling easier. The largest items that fits is a regular iPad - no luck with my Surface Pro, but they say their larger sized bag which is coming soon will accommodate that. The NutSac is made of a waxed canvas that has a tough feel to it. Many labels state to only hose off, no washing or dry cleaning of their bags. The entire bag is American Made, meaning all the canvas, leather and construction is done stateside. Their biggest feature: Guaranteed For Life. You are going to have a tough time wearing out one of these and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see these carried in big name catalogs. It just has a nice look and feel to it that makes you think twice about loading your pockets up with junk. I don't plan to replace my wallet anytime soon, or convert to the man purse, but when traveling with all of my gear this is a great companion to keep on the passenger seat. Below I give you a closer look at the bag, show you some items I travel with in mine and also give you some more opinions.
These are really cool bags that make traveling and car gear storage so much easier. Check them out and also let me know if you have one of these or have any questions.